
The periodontology is a medical-surgical speciality of dentistry which studies the diseases affecting patients' gums. This branch of dentistry prevents and treats periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis that are caused due to the bacteria that accumulate around the teeth. At the Dentoliva Clinic we have highly qualified periodontics specialists capable of carrying out the most advanced and complex treatments.

woman with tooth discomfort due to tooth sensitivity
According to various studies between 16 and 30% of people over 35 years of age suffer from gum infections. In addition, these studies have shown that this dental problem is associated with high association with cardiovascular disease or diabetes so it is important to look after the health of our gums and gum tissue. consult with professionals in the field to have a correct prevention, as well as a early diagnosis for proper treatment.
At the Dentoliva Clinic we recommend our patients to be alert to possible periodontal problems, as a periodontal problem can be a serious cause of tooth decay. simple, slight bleeding of the gums or slight irritation are signs that our teeth are telling us. We therefore recommend periodic reviews, as well as oral cleanings in order to attack gingivitis so that it does not lead to periodontitis (which can cause us to lose teeth).

Discomfort treated with periodontics

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, our dentists carry out a X-ray and a catheterisation test; These tests assess whether there is bleeding, the depth of tartar in the gums and whether there is bone loss on the part of the patient. In this way, it is determined whether periodontal disease is present and what the most appropriate treatment is.

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This is one of the first signs of this type of oral problem; it can occur when brushing teeth or simply eating.

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Inflammation of the gums also appears at an early stage of the disease. It is detectable to the naked eye as the gums become considerably enlarged and invade part of the tooth.

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Reddening of the gums

Another of the most characteristic symptoms of gingivitis is redness of the gums.

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As the dental disease progresses, the gums become more sensitive to brushing teeth or eating very cold food or drinks.

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Receding gums

When our patients present this retraction it means that the periodontitis is at an advanced stage. This causes the gum to pull away from the tooth, exposing the root and even causing significant gaps to appear.

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Bad smell and taste

This discomfort can appear at any stage, and can also be due to other reasons, but combined with the other discomfort above it is very characteristic of pyorrhoea or periodontitis.

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young man uses 3d dental x-ray

In the case of gingivitis, the following treatment is prescribed oral cleaning and subsequent thorough hygiene at home. If our periodontists identify periodontitis, a more complex treatment will be carried out, which involves a microbiological analysis, antibiotics to combat bacteria, tartar depth measurements, as well as scaling and smoothing, among others. This type of treatment includes regular check-ups and maintenance to prevent relapse.

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